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Established in 1975

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How to Choose the Right Paint for Your House

Today, let's dive into the colourful world of paint! Choosing the right paint isn't just about picking a shade that tickles your fancy; it's about setting the stage for every story your home will tell. So, buckle up as we embark on this technicolour journey to make your walls not just sing, but serenade you with style.

Know Your Tones and Overtones

First things first, let's talk colour theory. It's not just for artists and designers; it’s crucial for anyone looking to slap some pigment on a wall. Warm colours can make a space cosy and inviting—think soft ambers and gentle crimsons that wrap you up like a warm hug. On the flip side, cool colours like soothing blues and fresh greens can turn your place into a calm oasis faster than you can say "tranquil retreat."

Remember when avocado bathrooms were the rage? Just because it’s trendy doesn't mean it’ll suit your space—or that you won't cringe at it in a decade. Think timeless rather than timely, and you’ll be on the right track.

Lighting: The Great Revealer

Here's a nifty trick: before you commit to a colour, see how it behaves in different lighting. Paint swatches can pull a Jekyll and Hyde on you when shifting from daylight to the glow of your favourite lamp. Ever picked a lovely beige that turned into a dreary brown when the sun set? Yep, been there, done that—got the T-shirt.

A mate of mine, let’s call him Dave, decided his bedroom needed sprucing up. He wanted ‘relaxing green’ but picked his shade under fluorescent shop lights. Cut to his bedroom looking less 'tranquil forest' and more 'slimy swamp.' Poor Dave had to live with it until he could muster the energy for round two. Lesson learned? Always check your paint in the actual room lighting!

Finish with a Flourish

Not all paint finishes are created equal. If your walls have seen better days (hello, life scars!), a matte finish can keep those little imperfections under wraps. But if you're after a bit of drama, nothing screams 'chic' like a high gloss finish; just know it’ll broadcast every bump and scratch, so your walls better be smoother than a jazz solo.

Practical Magic

Here’s a practical tip—some paints are more than just pretty faces. In kitchens and bathrooms, where steam and splatters are part of the daily grind, opting for a washable, moisture-resistant paint can save you from a world of maintenance woes.

Think about the vibe you want in each room. A study might call for a subdued slate grey to keep your brain in the zone, while a kid’s playroom could be bright as a button with splashes of sunshine yellow. It's like choosing the soundtrack for each room—what tunes will your walls play?

DIY or Pro?

Painting can be a DIY dream or disaster. If you're a steady hand with a brush, by all means, dive in! But if the thought of taping up skirting boards makes you dizzy, maybe call in the residential decorating pros. No shame in keeping things clean and serene.

Sample Your Heart Out

Most importantly, test, test, test! Those little sample pots are worth their weight in gold. Paint big patches on different walls and live with them for a few days. See how they change as the light shifts, and how they make you feel. It's like a first date with your paint—make sure there's chemistry before you commit.

Final Thoughts

Choosing paint is a big deal; it's more commitment than a plant but less than a puppy. It sets the tone for your entire home. So, take your time, play with colours, and remember: it's only paint. Worst case scenario, you re-roll and start the adventure all over again.

So, what do you think? Ready to give your walls a makeover that would make even Picasso pause? At MJ Kloss, we’re more than happy to guide you through this and show you how to choose the right paint for your pad. Let’s make decorating a blast together!